Migration of Server ip to

  • Tuesday, 24th May, 2011
  • 16:24pm

Latest Updates:

New web hosting account details to all customers (of old linux server ip for their new web hosting ac on server ip have been sent via email in case you have any technical issue related to post-migration make sure to let us know till 1 June 2011 as said in previous emails and announcement updates old server will be discontinued on 1 June 2011.




Restore of backup files have been completed on new server ip of all web hosting acs of server ip as required.

1. We will soon send you email with your new web hosting ac details to all of the web hosting account holder of server ip with us of their new web hosting ac details on new web server ip after migration.

2. We have updated ip addresses of our nameservers of b4uindia.com and securehostplanet.com thus in case you are using our name servers then there is no need to update name servers and in that case once dns propagated within next 24-48 hours your websites shall start working from new web server ip as required.

3. In case you are not using our b4uindia.com or securehostplanet.com's default name servers given by us, instead if you are using your own branded custom nameservers then ensure that you update your name servers ips as required as follows:

nameserver1 IP to be changed to >

nameserver2 IP to be changted to >

as well as also make sure to update respected A RECORDS of those name servers as well with required new ips this is required only in case you are using your own branded custom name servers.

4. Old web server ip will continue to work till 1 June 2011 thus you can take any required backups from old web server till 1 June 2011. Your old web hosting ac details such as plesk login details etc of old web server are as it is thus you can take required backups till 1 June 2011 if required from old web server.

5. In case you are using A Records of dns to pointed to our web server on your domain name then make sure that you update your such A RECORDS with new server ip which is and mx entries accordingly, if required.

Also in case you face any kind of post migration issues feel then free to let us know via email at support@b4uindia.com Please ensure to send us your post migration related any technical issue if any till 1 June 2011 itself as the old server will be deleted on 1 June 2011 as mentioned above and in previous emails.





System restore team have started working on the migration process at our USA data center level.

We will keep you updated on the same as soon as we have more information on the same.



Migration of web hosting accounts from server ip to will be started as decided on 25th May 2011.

Keep visiting this announcement link for more updates on the same.

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