
.in promo price updated for UK2Group domain resellers

  • 15th June 2012

Our domain name registrar has updated domain name .In promo pricing thus new pricing for domain reseller account holders will be as follows:

.in and 3rd level .in domain name - 1st year registration new price - Rs. 329/- and after the 1 year term regular price for renewals will be required to be paid.



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.in promo price updated for Directi domain resellers

  • 15th June 2012

Our domain name registrar has updated domain name .In promo pricing thus new pricing for domain reseller account holders will be as follows:

.in and 3rd level .in domain name - 1st year registration new price - Rs. 349/- and after the 1 year term regular price for renewals will be required to be paid.


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Change in Service Tax

  • 31st March 2012

As per the new mandates of the Indian Government, there will be an increase in Service Tax for all Hosting and Website Builder packages purchased from April 1st, 2012. Service tax charges will now change from 10.3% to 12.36%

If you have any queries, kindly contact our billing team at

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Regarding shifting of Server IP to New Web Server

  • 2nd February 2012
Latest Updates (7 Feb 2012 1.08 PM) -------------------------- Restore of backup file of current server ip to new web server have been completed. The new web server ip is   1. We have updated nameservers ips of our existing nameservers as follows: Primary Nameserver > new ip Secondary ...
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