
Webmail/Outlook login issue ( email hosting acs)

  • 20th April 2011
  We have recently faced an issue with the webmail where logging into webmail and Outlook is slow. Our system admin team is aware of the issue and is currently checking it. If your records point to, or, you will be facing this issue.   As per the latest update from system ...
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Change in Implementation of Identities in webmail (

  • 8th April 2011
As part of our efforts to cut down unsolicited email from our system and the problems created due to it, we're introducing certain measures to mitigate such activities. The idea behind these measures is to ensure that our email system is not viewed suspiciously by other service providers, which would lead to email originating from our servers to ...
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Change in password policy for Email hosting service (

  • 25th March 2011
  As part of our ongoing campaign against abuse and to ensure the security of our users' email services, we are planning to impose a stricter password policy for email accounts hosted with us. As a result of this change, the system will no longer allow passwords of the type that could be deemed vulnerable to sabotage attempts. Email account ...
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Important: Change in implementation of Identities in Webmail

  • 16th March 2011
This Announcement is applicable for any email ids having control panel of email hosting from only We recently got update from our Service Provider for email hosting as follows: As part of our efforts to cut down unsolicited email from our system and the problems created due to it, we're introducing certain measures ...
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