
Technical issue on mail server Ip

  • 1st January 1970
03/06/2020 17:46The server is back online.   03/06/2020 17:41In our internal monitoring, we have found there is some technical issue on mail server IP We are checking it with the data center. We will keep you updated asap.  Further updates will be shared on this announcement thread. Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to ...
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Resolved - Technical issue on server IP

  • 1st January 1970
06/06/2020 09:07 All services are up and running and the server is in our monitoring queue atm. If you face any technical issue still feel free to contact us via support ticket from your billing ac.       06/06/2020 08:42 We are facing some technical issues on a shared server IP atm. We have already escalated the case to the ...
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Hardware upgrade on shared server IP

  • 1st January 1970
12/06/2020 08:26 This is to update you that shared server IP is being upgraded from SATA to NVme drive new server with the latest processor. This need us to copy the data from old to new server using Plesk migration manager and once done to update the nameservers IPs. Here is the estimated performance difference of drive for your ...
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Scheduled Maintenance on Mail Server IP

  • 1st January 1970
Latest update 20/12/2021 22:29 IST The server is rebooted and is back online and the OS is up-to-dated.         Previous update 20/12/2021 14:17 ISTThis is to inform you that Mail server IP is having some critical OS updates pending the same will be processed tonight 10.00 PM IST onwards on 20th Dec 2021. Please note that ...
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