Technical issue with Windows server IP

  • Monday, 16th September, 2024
  • 19:13pm

Update 19/09/2024 21:13 IST

We have made a latest backup file of all database and plesk configuration data as of 19 Sep 2024 21:13 IST and presently our team is working on restoring it. Kindly note that all databases of mysql and mssql will be of the time stamp backup of Update 19/09/2024 21:13 IST.

Following the initial restoration of the database and Plesk configuration, all files, folders, and mail data will be subsequently restored.

We kindly request that you refrain from uploading any new data to your databases during this time. Additionally, if you maintain an offsite backup system, we suggest utilizing it to restore your databases once the restoration process is completed. Please note that the provided backup will cover data up to 19 Sep 2024 21:13 IST. Due to technical limtiations as backup restoration process works in batch mode, which limits the ability to include data beyond this point.

Once the restoration is complete, we will inform you promptly so you can proceed accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Update 17/09/2024 16:48 IST

The server is working fine for last few hours and the same time migration to new Indian server is going on to resolve the issue properly. The server is being moved to our new server in Indian data center for faster service support concerns.

We will keep you updated via here and as soon as migration is done per client basis new login details will be provided via email.



Update 17/09/2024 14:51 IST

We are on call with data center as facing downtime on this specific server. Request you to please give us few time the restore process of last backup is already going side by side and keep all you all customers posted via email shortly. It is a critical case and we are working with highest priority possible to finish the restore and also the data center team is checking the downtime issue at the same time.

Sorry for inconvenience caused however we are in process of shifting the server to our Indian data center server to fix it properly.



Update 17/09/2024 10:26 IST

Please note that the server is in our monitoring since last night and is working fine. As a safety measure we are migrating all of the accounts from old server to new server in India as a long term solution.

We will send email with new updated login details one by one to all clients as soon as your migration part is done from our side.



Update 16/09/2024 19:13 IST

We would like to inform you that during routine monitoring, we identified a technical issue with the Windows server accessing the server IP Our team is currently in contact with the data center to resolve the issue, and we anticipate it may take some time before we receive further updates.

We will keep you informed on the status of the situation through updates posted on this announcement link.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to this technical issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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