
Emergency notice - Network issues at datacenter

  • 15th December 2010
We are currently experiencing some network trouble at our upstream data center. This has caused the following problem - Website hosted on cPanel & Plesk servers are not functional which are having name servers of,,, on it mail services including webmail/IMAP/POP/SMTP ...
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.EU Unavailability Notice: 15 December, 2010

  • 15th December 2010
Due to the following maintenance announced by the .EU Registry, the .EU Production environment would be undergoing a planned downtime for maintenance, as per the following schedule:Maintenance WindowDate: December 15, 2010Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM (2000 - 2130) GMT/UTCDuration: 1.5 hoursAffected Systems: Domain Name Registrations, Renewals, ...
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Issue while connecting to SMTP Server from certain ISPs.

  • 14th December 2010
We are currently investigating an issue where people are unable to connect to our SMTP servers from certain specific ISPs. If you are facing any such issue, please create a support request and provide us with the following details: * Domain/Email id* ISP and IP address* Telnet smtp 25* Ping latency* Country(Location)* POP&IMAP working ...
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Scheduled maintenance on one of our Email hosting server

  • 14th December 2010
Please be advised that our Email Hosting Server will be undergoing maintenance as per the schedule mentioned below. Maintenance Window * Date: 14-12-2010 * Start Time : 15:00:00 GMT * Estimated Duration: 60 minsAffected Systems * None of the services will be stopped during the migration. * Few users may get disconnected while that particular ...
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