Following is a table which is applicable if your domain name whois says "Wild West" as domain registrar. You can anytime visit and enter your domain name to know name of Domain Registrar.
Note - We deal with multiple domain registrar based on inventory and cost perspective to deliver the best pricing for domain name registration services. Thus you need to make sure that your domain name is registered under Wild West domains as domain name registrar as only then the following table is related to your case:
Day after expiration
What happens
Available option
Day 4 and 12
Additional expiration notifications are sent via email
Domain can be manually renewed in your account.
Day 19
Domain remains on hold but becomes subject to redemption fee. DNS is interrupted.
You can manually recover your expired domain name. Subject to applicable renewal and redemption fees.
Day 26
Domain is put up for domain name auction.
You can manually recover your expired domain name or place a bid on the domain name through auction.
Day 30
Domain is no longer available to renew or recover in your account.
You can place a bid on the domain name through auction.
Day 36
If there are no backorders and no bidders in the domain name auction, we list the domain name in a final closeout auction.
You can place a bid on the domain name through auction. This is the final chance to register the domain name before it is returned to the registry.
Day 41
All auctions end
Domain is no longer available to renew or bid on.
Day 42
Domain is returned to the registry
You may be able to register the domain name again after the registry has released the domain name for general registration.
If you have any further queries or doubt feel free to contact us via email at****
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