
Do WebJi® offers an affiliate commission system? Yes if you have family or friends or business clients which you want to refer to us for web... Do you offer MSSQL Web / Standard / Enterprise Edition? Yes, we offer MSSQL Paid version of MSSQL Web Edition / MSSQL Standard Edition / MSSQL Enterprise... Getting error when trying to login using my gmail id authentication "Link Initiated! Please complete sign in... Getting an error when trying to log in using my Gmail id authentication "Link Initiated! Please... How billing ac holder can add sub account to authorize any additional email ids for support with webji? Please note in online business where transactions are done virtually, please note your email id... How can I change payment mode from NEFT bank transfer to debit / credit card or net banking or wallet payments? If your invoice is showing payment option via NEFT but you want to pay via Net Banking /... How can I check email history in client area? Please visit to check all important emails... How can I connect my billing ac with my Gmail id? Login to your billing ac with Visit and then... How can I pay WebJi® via UPI from my UPI app itself? In case you are facing an issue with payments via payment gateway and you prefer to pay via UPI... How can I pay a proforma invoice without login to billing area? First of all, we don't accept payments from 3rd party. If you are the service owner then you... How can I renew my service in advance to expiry date? Yes, you can have an advance renewal of your service, so there is no need to wait for the last... How can I reset my billing ac password? To reset your account password, please use the billing ac password reset tool at... How can I update my GSTIN details in WebJi® records? If you already have any GST information on file then you can't update the same. Instead, you need... How can I update my client area / billing account details with WebJi®? To update any contact details/email id please log in to your billing ac at... How can I update my contact details in billing account with WebJi®? Please login to your billing ac and update all details from... How to Change Security Question in my billing account? To change Security Question / Security Question's answer kindly visit... How to add new user as authorized sub account for service support with webji? For security and privacy reasons, we provide service support for registered email id or... How to change my billing ac holder email id when existing email id in records is not working anymore? If you are a company or business firm and have provided the correct company name or business name... How to contact your accounts team? Please note that our accounts team works during weekend time mostly so if you have an accounts... How to delete a sub account which was added under primary billing account? In case you have created a sub-account under your primary billing account you can delete that by... How to merge my multiple billing ac to one and why to avoid having multiple billing accounts with webji? Why avoid having multiple billing accounts?- You can buy as many as services you want in the same... How to pay for a Performa invoice in 2 partial payments? Please note that we need to prepay the amount to our upstream providers thus any form of credit... How to request cancellation for any service? Login to your billing account from Now... How to transfer account ownership of any services within WebJi® to another billing ac? These steps must be followed if you want to transfer ownership of any services with WebJi® but... How to update my postal address or mobile number in billing records? If you want to update the contact details of your billing ac or the postal address then... How to update the company details or ownership info in service purchased by an old employee or service provider? Please note that WebJi® provides digital services and your email id is your primary... I am from India, how can I deduct the TDS and make payments of the remaining balance amount? Our company name: Webji Hosting Pvt. Ltd. PAN No. AACCW2259G This is applicable for any client... I forgot my security answer or its blank, so how to reset the password now for client area? Please note that WHMCS is one of the leading web hosting billing system applications and one of... I have forgot my billing or client area password. How can I reset that? Please use forgot password link at to reset your... I have got fake domain renewal reminder email - what to do? Please note that every email from our side is sent from Please visit... I have made the payments and invoice still shown as unpaid Kindly avoid UPI payments using Razorpay as they are not auto-applied in the system instead you... I want to know my next due date for renewal of my services with webji Login to your billing ac at Click on Services / Domains to know the... In case of multiple open invoices, how can I merge more than one invoice and pay at once for all dues? In such a case you want to pay for more than one invoice at once, then feel free to contact our... Invoice is not marked as paid automatically / Automated Invoice receipt not came Please note that our team can help as far as you connect via email at As... My hosting account is expired, how can I download my backups? Our billing system has already sent you to advance invoice (a few days in advance of the next due... Requirements for GST Exemption under Export of Services (for overseas clients only) You shall be aware of a few things when asking for GST Exemption under the export of services. We... Situation of Temporary Hold explained in details Every time you make an online transaction it goes like this:You make payment > Confirmation... What are important pages in billing system? Please find the most important pages and the details about them as follows:   1. Services -... What are the bank details of Webji Hosting Pvt. Ltd.? Our HDFC Bank Ac (for NEFT, RTGS or Cheque Deposit): HDFC Bank Ac No: 50200033018457 Name of... What is uncaptured amount and how or when it will be refunded? There are a few terms in online banking which are:Authorized amount - Amount which a merchant can... What payment options do you accept at WebJi®? We do accept payments via net banking / debit cards / credit cards / PhonePay / NEFT or IMPS bank... Why I am getting different invoice number after payments completed? When unpaid, it's Proforma Invoice / Quote number however once paid it is a GST invoice.... Why I am getting domain name & web hosting ac renewal invoices on different dates? Sorry for the inconvenience caused however to avoid any domain name delete related situation we... Why I have 2 invoices for the same domain name? It can be that one invoice can be for web hosting ac and another one can be for domain name... Why late fee charges on VPS or dedicated server? Please note that if you have any time discontinued of services required you need to inform at... Why my domain renewal invoice is canceled in client area - How to pay for renewal? Any domain invoice that has not been paid by the due date will be automatically canceled by our... Why system show 2 domains one canceled and one active? Anytime you place multiple order by mistake or for any reason the order which you pays to get... how do I reset my billing ac password ? To reset your account password, please use the billing ac password reset tool at...
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