
Bulk email - emails are marked as sent but delivered showing as zero? This case generally may happen when you have added some email id but they are having status as... Can I personalize the message sent from bulk email panel? Yes, you can personalize the email newsletter sent to your subscribers for this you need to make... Do you allow bulk email services? Please check 3 types of email services we offer in details from... Do you have email database of specific niche business contacts? Please note we don't provide or sell any email database. However, in growing business, there can... Error - You are required to verify your sending domain name in order to be able to send this campaign! Error - You are required to verify your sending domain name to send this campaign!Getting error -... Features of our bulk email campaign management system for promotional campaigns / newsletter The following are the features of our bulk email campaign management system which can be utilized... Guidelines for best practices for using bulk email services There are many guidelines that can be followed when it comes to bulk email services: 1. The... How WebJi can help me with bulk mailing for my business? For example, if you send 100 emails, and most users click on the spam button, that is spamming.... How can I ensure best email delivery / do or dont do for bulk email? What users can do to make sure such issues don't happen and our bulk email shall work for your... How much success rate I shall expect in bulk email plans? That depends on the quality of your email list. If accurate, we have people with 100% delivery... How to add attachment to an email newsletter? Login to your bulk email panel at Once done visit left... How to import more email ids in existing email list? Suppose you have an email list already created but want to import more email ids, then here is a... How to send email to own email id first before sending it to real email subscribers list? Here is a video tutorial where we explain how you can send an email first to the email addresses... How to send my first newsletter from the bulk email control panel? Step by Step to send a newsletter using bulk email panel: Step 1. Create an email list. Video... How to update company details in any email list? Login to bulk email panel at How to update my contact name in bulk email panel? How do I update my contact name in the bulk email panel?There are 3 places where you shall update... I dont want to have unsubscribe option or postal address in bulk email panel? I dont want to have an unsubscribe option or a postal address in the bulk email panel.It is not... Recommendation to have better delivery rate for bulk emails Things not to do! Never send emails to outdated, purchased or scrapped email databases,... Securehostmail - How to pause a running campaign? So if I have a verified email list, can it still have spam complaints? Yes, it can have until you have no past experience to send mailers in the recent past to the same... Things to know before ordering bulk email service with WebJi® As per industry standards for bulk mailing, we don't offer any inbox guarantee for delivery to... What are different Placeholders or Tag or Tokens we can use in bulk email newsletter template? Here is list of all tags you can use when creating an email template as followsTag Required (MUST... What are the restrictions of bulk email plans? Kindly note that any form of spamming is not allowed. The reasons are obvious, we can't sell... What is the best bulk email service plan for me? Please note we set up one vps server per client order, which means you will have your server for... Why WebJi® dont allow bulk emailing from shared hosting server or business email plans to use that on outlook? Sending bulk emails from email hosting plans or shared hosting plans where you can use Outlook to... Zero Tolerance AntiSpam Policy for Bulk Mailing Services Before ordering any of our bulk email services, please take note of the followings:   What is...
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