Some of very special single word domain name are sometime marked as premium domain name by the registry itself so no service provider in the world can book any such premium domain name as its registry decision as listed premium.
In such case of premium domain name no service provider can have negotiation or any form of interference. If a domain name is premium domain name it will be same with us or any other service provider on internet.
So any such case where you have ordered a domain name which is classified as premium domain name our team in that case will manually connect to you and make you aware of the situation and the expected price for the premium domain name so that if you like the same you can pay for the difference amount and can book it.
Please note that we use world's most popular web hosting companies billing system software app called WHMCS and still they dont’ have premium domains feature in it so we are sorry but it is something an app limitation may be will be fixed by WHMCS in future versions and then search results or pricing for premium domains will be on store itself displayed properly. Until then it needs to be manually addressed.
All details shared above are in good faith best of our knowledge if a domain name is a premium domain name you cant book it at regular price no matter it is which service provider on internet as registry is the main and sole agency controls and governs the TLD management and the domain registration's final authority company globally.
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