Domain name verification is mandatory for domain names. For this domain name registrar sends parodically emails for who-is verification time by time and you are required to check and verify the same by following given steps in email.
If you are a registrant or owner of a domain name, you have to verify the WHOIS information for your domain name. This is necessary to avoid fraudulent registrations and malicious activities towards your business.
Please note that domain registrar already sent you multiple reminders in advance before suspending the domain names as per ICANN norms so any suspend is repeat basis failure to follow given steps by the registrar.
If any such reminder is ignored or you have not received them for any technical reasons or not you have not taken required action timely by user side the domain name might be auto suspended for RAA or whois verification failure. In such case contact our team at so that we can resend such reminder.
Kindly note that once whois verification is completed, it may take 24-48 hrs for dns to get propagated.
What is dns propagation?
DNS propagation is the way a computer or router knows where to send your requests. This is done through what's called a DNS server, which is basically a computer that handles DNS. Anytime a domain name's nameserver / dns update changes are there or domain name suspend or unsuspend then it may take 24 - 48 hrs to have dns propagated over internet during that period user shall wait for the same to complete.
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