How can I order Gsuite from domain reseller ac? Print

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This article is for domain reseller ac holder with WebJi®.

To order the Gsuite plan

1. Login to your domain reseller ac with us from
2. How to check pricing of any domain name or any other service in my domain reseller panel? steps as mentioned at
So folllowing that you can now your cost prices for Gsuite service plans with us.
3. You can decide your selling price there for your customer (so that they get automated emails accordingly). If you change your pricing for your clients make sure you clear your cache of reseller system using steps as mentioned at
4. G Suite specific kb articles for steps about order / management of order etc at

All services offered in our domain reseller panel are third party services, so the best prices are offered. You can choose your own custom selling price for the customer based on managed support that you can offer them. When dealing with third-party services, there is no room for discount on the main price tags, but we will promote you as a reseller to sell the service as a solution from your end to your customer. Anyone can buy a server from a data center, which does not mean that everyone prefers it. As a reseller, you can outline which features or managed support you will offer your client in order to decide and develop your own customized managed solution for cutsom pricing space in dealing with your client.

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