I want to insert some store procedures in my database but i got an error
like this
#1370 - alter routine command denied to user 'xxxxxxxx'@'%' for
routine 'xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx'
Answer: The probable reason for the behavior here is the single-sign-on user used to access phpMyAdmin. As we do not store any passwords in plain text we cannot automatically login as your MySQL user. Therefore, the system creates a temporary user (ssoXXXX) which has access to your database and performs the login with this.
Sometimes, views/routines/procedures then error because they are setup or created under the original username while you're now logged in as the single sign-on user.
Essentially, SSO is unsuitable for this purpose, and what you will need to do is visit https://phpmyadmin.stackcp.com/pma/ manually. You can login using your actual MySQL hostname/username/password combination, and then any views you create there will be retained and under your correct definer, and hence not experience this problem.