- If you make a website in any CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or any other CMS then make sure that you have an AMC or maintenance plan with your web developer and ensure that they timely update your CMS and all its plugins or themes for the latest security patches.
If you don't update your website cms timely here are the few issues that may happen:
- Most website faces defacement or hacking issue due to old or outdated cms or plugins used, so using cms with an old version without having it timely updated may increase the risk of website hacking or defacement.
- May not be competition to new server software - When there is a new PHP version coming parodically if you don't update your cms timely then it may increase the risk of your website may not be compatible with a server in the near future if you do not take care of cms update timely basis. All major cms release their new version based on new PHP versions.
Above all as mentioned in our terms of service at https://webji.in/terms-of-service/
48 Customers of shared hosting & reseller hosting are not allowed to run any CMS website with old or outdated version of CMS or themes or its plugins.
Customers must agree and be responsible to keep your website’s scripts/program installed on your web hosting account upto date / updated. If you are running outdated / malfunctioning scripts you are taking the risk of allowing your account to be compromised and possible damage to the server. Please note that we do not allow any website on our web hosting servers with outdated CMS or plugins. If we ever find an account that has been compromised or using any outdated CMS website or plugins then to safeguard our network from abuse cases we may suspend or terminate or take any other corrective actions against such web hosting account without any further prior notice.
Customer must agree that, if we ever finds any web hosting account using Outdated CMS, Easy to crack passwords, Pirated Softwares or Scripts or customer ignores our given security advises then Webji Hosting Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to suspend or terminate such web hosting account without any further prior notice. As any of such issue or negligence at customer side may result in misuse of our web hosting services and servers including but not limited to SPAM or any other illegal activities or hacking of websites or server which we cant allow due to security reasons from our web hosting network.
**In short now web host can allow such website with outdated website cms software due to security reasons.**
What needs to be taken care if your website cms is outdated: - Remove all the files/folders and reupload a clean copy of website cms with the latest cms, plugins, and themes only. Your web developer needs to take care of this as being a web host we can't help with coding or cms level issues.
- No antivirus can detect encrypted malware files thus if you think that you can download files > antivirus scan them and reupload any of the files that may repeat the hacking issue more often since desktop antivirus software are not designed to scan the encrypted malware files.
- Make sure you contact your web developer and have a proper plan for periodic updates of your website cms, plugins, and themes.
- Make sure to reset all of your FTP, email ids, and database login details to a strong good password. Some examples of a strong passwords can be https://randomkeygen.com/
- Make sure to never use any pirated OS or any other pirated or cracked software on your local PCs where you manage the website as that may result in an issue of keylogger or trojans causing such issues.
- Make sure to scan your local PC where you manage this website with any 2 leading antivirus software.
- Always keep a copy safe with you, you can ask your developer for the same to share you a zip file of the website codes and database which you can keep safe for any such malfunction cases offsite at your end.
Other related articles:
Do WebJi® offers any website malware cleanup services?
Best steps to follow to ensure better email security
How to secure my website? What basic steps to follow for it?
I have a malware infection on my website, how can I download the website backup of infected data?
My website is suspended for hosting malware / suspicious files or outdated cms what is the next step?
There is no shortcut or fast track solution for malware, your web developer has to understand the fact to make sure they update the cms if not they carry the risk of website defacement by ignoring the importance of proper timely security patches.
If you cannot update your website cms software timely better advised to make a static HTML website in that case rather a CMS website as when using CMS or any other software you need to timely update it to keep it secure and safe.
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