My website or email is working, how can I connect to the support team? Print

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If you have any error message or your website is not working, or any email id is not working, or any other technical query, please send us an email from your registered email id in our records to

- Please include the details of your query + a screenshot of the error you are getting so that our technical team can investigate accordingly.

- If there is any error message on the web page, then share the website link + steps to recreate the error message.


Once you send the email within 5 minutes, our ticket system will auto-generate a ticket number and inform you via email that confirms your query has been received.

Our techs will check your website error or whatever technical query you have mentioned and will get back to you on email/ticket reply.

Please note support services are 24x7 available via email at, and our avg reply time is less than 2 hours, except if any detailed investigation is required or if the query is complicated. Any basic queries are mostly replied to within a few minutes time only.

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