This is a very common issue we generally see with Plesk Reseller account users. Let us discuss the same in details.
If your Plesk Reseller ac is having 10GB Disk space and 100GB Bandwidth then correct way to create web hosting ac is:
1. Create a service plan of 1 GB disk space with 10GB bw allowed per month for example.
2. Now create subscription in Plesk and assign them required service plan (hosting package created by you under your reseller hosting ac).
But what generally reseller ac holder do is:
They create one ac of 10GB disk space and 100GB bandwidth and allocate other accounts with 0 MB disk space and 0 MB bandwidth. That is an incorrect allocation of disk space and bandwidth for underneath hosting accounts.
If you buy a reseller plan, your total disk space allocated to all account <= all accounts created.
So for 10GB ac you can have 10 hosting accounts of 1GB each
or 1 ac of 10GB disk space allowed
or 5 accounts of 2 GB disk space allowed.
So in order to fixing it you shall create a new service plan with proper disk space and bandwidth and upgrade/downgrade all accounts one by one to appropriate package plans and follow above mentioned guidelines.
This way you will have a proper allocation of your plan resources. Anytime you shall not allocate more resources than your plan otherwise package sync issue etc will happen or your account will end up with incorrect allocation and forcefully you need to allow overusages for hosted account.